Full Name (Required)
Email (Required)
Phone Number (Required)
Your Message
Do the math: 2 + 6
General Info
Camper’s First Name (Required)
Camper’s Last Name (Required)
Date of Birth (Required) Day / Month / Year / /
Father’s Name (Required)
Mother’s Name (Required)
Choose camping season (Required) A' PERIOD 18 JUNE - 2 JULYD' PERIOD 30 JULY - 13 AUGUSTE' PERIOD 06 AUGUST- 20 AUGUST
Departure from: ---UnknownParents ResponsibilityAlexandroupoliChrysoupoliDidymoteichoDramaFeresKavalaKeramotiKomotiniOreokastroOrestiasSoufliThessalonikiXanthi
Return to: ---UnknownParents ResponsibilityAlexandroupoliChrysoupoliDidymoteichoDramaFeresKavalaKeramotiKomotiniOreokastroOrestiasSoufliThessalonikiXanthi
Contact Info
Address (Required)
No. (Required)
City (Required)
Zip Code (Required)
Country (Required)
Land Phone (Required)
Work Phone
Father’s Mobile (Required)
Mother’s Mobile (Required)
Other Phone Number
Have you ever visited Pitsas Camp? (Required) YesNo
How did you learn about Pitsas Camp? (Required) ---Info leafletFacebook AdGoogle AdA friendOther
Tell us more about it (Required)
Indicate any additional information you consider relevant:
Health condition
Weight: (Required)
Childhood Diseases: MeaslesRubellaScarlet feverMumpsChickenpoxPertussis
Any recent tetanus vaccination? (Required) YesNo
Any allergies? (Required) YesNo
Any allergies to medication? (Required) YesNo
Any breathing problems? (Required) YesNo
Any particular problems? (e.g. Nocturnal enuresis, Sleepwalking, Phobias)? (Required) YesNo
Does it do gymnastics at school? (Required) YesNo
Indicate any additional information you consider useful for our doctor:
Parent / Guardian Declaration to G. PITSAS CAMP LTD (Required)
(Required) I therefore declare by electronically submitting this statement that I am legally exercising parental care of aforementioned minor.
I confirm the accuracy of the data provided and confirm that I have provided all the details concerning the health of my child.
For any information that might not have been expressly requested, I take the responsibility to communicated it to G. PITSAS CAMP LTD by any appropriate means.
(Required) I responsibly declare that I am committed to my child's stay throughout the agreed period. Considering any alteration, please contact the camp as soon as possible.
The declarant (Required):
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) *
STATUS * FATHERMOTHERGUARDIAN (Parental responsibility)
Do the math: 3 + 4